Little Bits

It was not until twilight that I felt up to doing anything outside.  Probably because I held off on taking any painkillers or muscle relaxants until 7 pm.

There is a section of wire fencing behind where the bee hives were when I had them in the yard.  At one end is a young Concord Grape vine I started from a cutting off of one a friend had up on the Bayfield Peninsula before he moved to Montana with his family.  The rest had simply been covered with ivy vines.  It was not a problem to pull the vines away, then the small bricks which used to support the hives.  About 9′ of fencing there without impinging on the Concord Grape, so I planted that with Scarlet Runner beans.  Have not had much luck with that variety for a few years.  Summers have been too hot for them to set pods, though they have flowered profusely.  They will get a bit more shade where they are now so maybe more pods.

The “bean house” which is a three-sided shelter made from a tornado shredded gazebo (the salvageable parts) usually is where I have the Scarlet Runners, but cleaned out the weeds and planted Purple Podded Pole beans this time.  I started at a bit after 8 pm, and finished about 845.  Not too bad.  One little piece at a time.  It will get there.  If the weather holds out, I will have help this weekend on field planting.  If not, well, then will happen later.

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