Kids, Surgery, Amos Hinton, Planting, Apple Trees, Etc.

Here is what they built inside of of me looks like.  The staples you can see were removed just over a week ago, and it is a huge relief not to have them on my back any more.

Here is the closed incision on my back.  Sorry, not going to post a photo of the cut on the front.  Just going to have to take my word for it that there are two of them.  Note the 6 healed over holes, 3 to a side.  That is where they had tubes going into me to drain off the internal bleeding after the surgery.  Patti said I looked like Neo from The Matrix.

Baby Vi is growing fast, very interested in the dirt and gardening, and a complete joy.  She also likes to unplant plants, which has meant Patti has constructed an elaborate fencing system in our front yard to keep her in the yard, and out of the gardens.  Don’t need her yanking out tomatoes, or eating Lilly of the Valley.

Nell planting Rumi Banjan tomatoes.  Planting, with all of our various injuries, is proceeding at a painfully slow pace this year.

Me and Amos Hinton, head of the Ponka Tribe’s Agriculture division.  He came up to get some of my collection of Native American corns which they are going to be growing in their redeveloping traditional agricultural practices in Oklahoma.  He drove up two weeks after my surgery to go through my collection and took back enough corn, beans and squash to plant two acres.   I called and checked after the huge storms they had.  They and their gardens made it through the storms fine.

This is one of two apple trees we started from seeds taken from Fireside apples in the fall of 2003.  This is the first year they have flowered and I am really excited to see how well they produce, and what the apples taste like.

And just a close up of the flowers from one of the trees.

Everything is going in later than I usually plant, and much slower than previous years.  I am really only good for about an hour of being upright a day.  Bending does not really work, and although I can get down on my knees and get some things done that way, it is endlessly frustrating how little of even that I can do.  We will see how it all goes.  Really, pretty much everything needs to get into the ground in the next three weeks for me to have any reasonable expectations of it getting to maturity this summer.



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3 Responses to Kids, Surgery, Amos Hinton, Planting, Apple Trees, Etc.

  1. Rob says:

    I await news on the hip pain you mentioned.

    Glad to hear Amos made it back to intact home and gardens. What a disaster.

    Hey I see you have a “pie plant” (Rhubarb). We have a bunch of those. Hard to keep up with demand.

    • Tom says:

      Yes. I have that rhubarb plant. I “saved” a plant with about 20 heads on it that the neighbor dug out as well. I had it just sitting up front waiting for when my parents were going to be here so they could just take it and heel it into their field to wait until next year for me to divide it up and do a good full row of rhubarb, but Patti thought I was going to do it this year, and wanted to save me from hurting myself, so she gave it away while I was sleeping.

  2. Michelle Grannes says:

    Good Stuff Kleffman!