A Year

That is what the surgeon says the timeframe is to expect to be healed enough to pick up a commercial chainsaw and put in a few ten hour days in a row busting up trees, or a week of digging potatoes in the evenings after work.

Ten weeks is how long before I can really be expecting to be setting foot in a garden, but still not doing much.   Twenty six weeks before I will feel normal, but still not allowed to do much physically.  Three months of not lifting anything heavier than a full gallon of milk, and that only from waist height or higher.

Minimum of twelve weeks of living twenty four hours a day in a brace.

Three to five days in the hospital before I am released after surgery.

<sigh>  Well, after nearly eight months of being laid up, what is another six or seven?

I am glad, that next year this time, I will be able to not only be getting transplants ready, but be secure in the knowledge that it will be me doing the digging and planting, but this year, supervising from a bed is going to annoy me to no end.

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2 Responses to A Year

  1. Kay says:

    Hope the surgery has gone well. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday!