The World Goes On Continued ….. Minnetonka Garden With Frank

I still cannot drive for a few days, so since Frank planned on going over to the Minnetonka garden (which neither of us had been at for a couple weeks) anyway, he came and picked me up.

Frank weeded, I tied up a few tomato plants, tucked tomato tops back into cages, and took photos.

Frank Weeding the Jimmy Nardello peppers.

None of the peppers are ripe yet, but there is good fruit set on all of the plants.  We are yet to grow too many of them.  No matter how many we grow, we always wish we had more.  This year, it is 30+ plants.

All of the C. Mochata squashes at this garden are showing true-to-type for the traits I have been selecting for.  The seeds from these plants should yield a large amount of seed for next year.  Has been fun creating my own squash.

We spent about an hour there, and things look pretty good.  All of the plants had grown quite a bit while we were gone.  From the tomato plants we picked about 10# of Cherokee Purple tomatoes, and a couple pounds each of Bison and Super Canabec.  The Czech Bush were hit by a blight while we were gone and all of the leaves except those at the very top are dead.  Plants still seem to be happily growing.  The Sungold Rugose planted with the Czech Bush also have some lower dead leaves, but are much taller and flowering and setting fruit fine.  My back held up, but I didn’t do much.  Frank worked himself into a good sweat hoeing and weeding all of the beds, but the garden there is tucked in well for a few days now, and it is supposed to rain here later this week, so since the soil is moist, we left it at that.

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