The Thaw

If the extended forecast is to be believed, starting in 3 days, we will suddenly not have nights below freezing.  I assume it will not stay with us, but the prognosis of the frost which finally went into the ground leaving us fairly soon means that this really is going to be an early spring planting time.

It also means I am behind on some of my preparations.  I still have not started cold weather tomatoes.  The cats nailed a bunch of my pepper plants and those will have to be restarted.  There are trellis systems I need to get planned out, and the exact location for peas and early greens needs to be decided.

The baby is growing like a weed, or perhaps, like a well fed tomato plant in hot weather.  She has continued to put on a pound a week like clockwork.  If this keeps up, we will have a 50 pound 1 year old in 48 weeks, so I assume that is going to slow down at some point.  We are all a bit like the walking dead here.  She is not a crier, or colicky, but she is up every few hours to eat so there is no such thing as unbroken sleep.  Patti and I never feel as though we get enough sleep.

Once the ice is off of the lake, generally, it is safe to plant tomatoes here.  At this rate, I am going to be running a bit behind.

We will see.  Things are going to ramp up quickly here.

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