Peaches & Cream

A week ago, out at the Ness Farm, I noticed that the Peaches & Cream sweet corn ears were filling out.  Tonight I made a quick run out there after work, stopping at home just long enough to change into some grubby clothes, grab some bags and the dog.  Figured I would pull all of the Painted Mountain missed by the rodents while I was at it too.

The Peaches and Cream did not disappoint.  Two dozen ears were tucked into the back seat of the car, along with about 40 minimally damaged ears of Painted Mountain.  A quick call to Patti so she could get a big pot of water on the stove going, a dog upset about not having more time running around the fields back in the car, and I headed home.

Claire and Phoebe helped me shuck all of the corn out on the deck, from there straight into the pot, boiled for 8 minutes, and we ate ……. all of it.  Fun, being this full of just sweet corn and butter.


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