Harvesting With My Birthday Girl

So Claire turns the magic dozen tomorrow.


She made a quick run with me out to the Adickes farm to cut the rest of the sunflowers, get them on racks in the greenhouse, as well as pick another bushel of squash (2 this year, all Baby Vi) and I started to dig sweet potatoes.





We are using about 50 feet of shelving in one of the now empty greenhouses to finish drying them away from the song birds.  I learned the hard way, some years ago, what a cloud of blackbirds can do to a full acre of sunflowers.


I do not have a ton of hills of sweet potatoes, but I also only dug up half of them.  I was working in muck, it was heavy, and I ran into a field clutch of a dozen chicken eggs.  Katrina asked me to collect them and I found from her later that there are chickens that are too lazy to go back to the hen house in the summer to lay them, but they are not broody either so the eggs just die out in the field.  But the pigs enjoy them, so they get turned into bacon.

I got about 5 pounds of sweet potatoes per hill.  Apparently they need to cure in 80 degree + heat so I am going to keep them in a bushel box in the car, with the windows up, for a few days.  Nights are getting cool, but sunny days should have the car warm enough to do what our weather is not this time of year.

And that is all I am going to type tonight.  Tired.  Need to head to bed.

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