Maintenance & Prepwork For Sweet Potatoes

Yeah, trying sweet potatoes this year.  Have meant to for a while, but the amount of work was beyond me physically for a few years.  So, it was that, and some general maintenance on what is in the ground already for the most part.


Bella and I gave the corn/bean hills in the 3 Sisters planting a shot of watered down fish emulsion.  The beans have emerged now.  The Orinoco corn beans are showing a lack of pigmentation in about 20% of the beans.  I am curious if those beans will be viable plants.

IMG_6288I hilled and side dressed the Bear Island Flint with basic 10-10-10.  While doing fine, it is far behind the hills I planted at the same time, probably due to the added manure when we made the hills.  I will give these guys a good shot of fish emulsion in a week to catch them up.


Beans we planted previously are up nearly everywhere.

IMG_6291And I worked at prepping 35 linear feet for sweet potato slips I am expecting.  This is not showing the completed area, because I forgot to take that picture, but basically, I tilled down over a 40″ wide strip, then added 30 gallons of composted manure, tilled that in, then added 5.3 cubic feet of peat moss, tilled that in, then created a 35 foot long mound that I will plant the slips into when they come.  Hopefully this is enough to crease drainage in the heavy clay.  Wish I had used some sand, but oh well. I worked with what I had on hand and was not too heavy to carry.  We will see, when the slips do show up, how it goes.

Other than this, I put in about 40 Arikara sunflowers which I should have put in a month ago, but still should get to maturity, and I did about a dozen hills of Mandan Squash, which is a really really short season squash.  That was my Wednesday night after work, and it rained today, so I took the kids to see the new Jurassic World movie which was a lot of fun, and a lot easier on my body than gardens. <grin>


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