First Planting Day At The Ness Farm

Packed up the car.  Perhaps a bit more ambitious than was reasonable, being we did not get out there until after noon, and I brought over 120 potato sets, 800+ onions, two kinds of corn, lutz beets, and rutabagas.


That wooden storage bin was made by a friend of mine.  Kind of an all-purpose heavy duty vented stackable tray for harvesting, hauling, or storing root crops in a manner that they do not crush each other by weight.  <grin> I have “ordered” a dozen of them from him.  If he is up to making them.


Was nice seeing the garter snakes out and about.


She didn’t want to hold it, but very interested.


Onions were planted in 50′ long double rows.



So, about 700 linear feet of onions planted there.


Here we are finishing up 120 more hills of potatoes.  Already several times more than we need planted, but have some friends hard up so more extra food is a good thing.


We did not get any photos of the corn planting, but Patti and I put in 4 rows of Painted Mountain flour corn.  Have not planted that one since 2011 and I want to refresh my seed stock, so we did about 250 feet of row.  About 750 seeds.

Then it was getting on to 5 pm and needed to get home, make dinner (pasta with red sauce from last year’s garden) scrub up in the tub, and now I am off to watch GoT with friends.  Had a great weekend.

Just as another note:  people have asked how the Food Freedom talk went yesterday.  I was a lot of fun, and then I got to hang out with Chris & Angie Holbrook, and a ton of other great people at the convention.  First time I ever got to hang out and drink with a former candidate for governor and it did not lack in fun.  Or beer.


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