Glad I Am On High Ground

So it is raining.  Again.  Still.  Whatever.

There was a break in the rain this morning.  Enough time for me to stirrup hoe around the beehives (without getting stung) plant a pack of Cream of Saskatchewan watermelon, 30 feet of Buttercrunch Lettuce, and transplanted 7 Genovese Basil out into the garden and a couple of large pots.

Yesterday was supposed to be the day we got all of the peppers and tomatoes planted out at the Minnetonka garden, and today is supposed to be spent out at the Ness Farm garden, where I need to get corn, beans, squash, potatoes, rhubarb, beets, onions, chard, finish the pea trellis, hoe, weed, etc.  At this rate I am going to have issues with some things making it to maturity if we have an early fall/frost.  Getting worrisome.  My yard here looks great (if a bit soggy) but the weeding is getting behind (I don’t like kneeling in mud) and there is still a ton to do.

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