Black Friday? Go Hunting!


A lot of families have Thanksgiving traditions.IMG_2581

We eat turkey, kids play with each other, and the adults take naps.IMG_2582

The day after Thanksgiving, we all go pheasant hunting together, to get the pheasants for the Christmas dinner my dad makes, regardless of where the extended family Christmas is held (My brother Matt’s house on the 26th this year).IMG_2583

So that is what we did.  First year Claire was old enough to come along.  Nell’s 3rd year of pheasant hunting the day after Thanksgiving.  Then it was lunch at KINGS PLACE in Miesville (fantastic burgers) and back to my parent’s place where I spent the afternoon butchering deer again.   Brother tagged 3 before 8 am on Thanksgiving morning.  Has been a wonderfully plentiful season of gathering.

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One Response to Black Friday? Go Hunting!

  1. mjc says:

    They look pleased with themselves…nice haul.