Kale Is Up

Nothing too extravagant.  Just Dwarf Blue Scotch Kale.  The Red Russian is not as well emerged yet so will have another day above the stove before I move it down stairs.  Kale is new to me.  For whatever reason I had not grown it yet.  They are for all practical purposes a non-heading cabbage, and friends who have grown it give it fairly rave reviews.  We like cabbage, so we will see how it goes.  The Dwarf Blue will get maybe 20 inches tall, and a few feet wide.  The Red Russian gets much larger apparently.  Both are supposed to be transplanted outside about 2 weeks before last expected frost.  Well, last year, the last frost right here was March 10th, and ice was off the lake on March 15th.  If it is the case again this year, I will have plants I can set out that early.  They can reputably take temps down to well below 0 degrees farenheit.  Will be nice to have greens we can keep cutting off of us into early winter.  Who knows?  Might even have an easy winter next year and have them overwinter for us.  We will see.

Parsley is still looking good.  No true leaves yet but all happy and green.

Damn cold out, but spring is coming.  Eventually.

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