So It Is Late At Night

And I have not posted in a few days.

Has been busy.  I finally got around to shelling the Victor Kucyk 2175 corn for seeds.  Pretty stuff it is.

That was last week.  The other thing I did was get a deer, and was gifted two more.  The rest of my time has been butchering and filling freezers.  Not going to give a lot of details.  Didn’t get anything spectacular in size, but did in taste.  Have a few more tags I would like to fill, but this weekend is me taking care of Patti, instead of the other way around, as she is sick.



Never took photos of jerky before.  Basically, cut up about 15 pounds of round, marinated overnight in a couple of different mixes I made up, then dried for about 12 hours at 155 degrees on my dehydrator.  Stuff is fantastic.  Problem is you can eat a couple of pounds worth of raw venison at a sitting prepared this way.  Think I would need to shoot a dozen deer if this was how we put up all the meat.  And I am not up to that this year.

So, as I was saying:  It is late, I am tired, and I need some sleep.  Good luck to all those still yet to head out hunting.

This entry was posted in Corn, Food, Gardening, Hunting & Fishing, Photos, Processing, Seeds, Storing. Bookmark the permalink.

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