The Gimp

Our wonderful friends the Grannes family, came for the weekend to help us out.  They cleaned the house, made the meals, took care of the kids, and picked my gardens.  I am not allowed to drive until the doctor clears me for having enough use of my right leg.  Amazing how much we still hurt this far out from the accident.  Between the Minnetonka garden and the Ness farm they picked about 5 bushels of corn, a bushel of dry beans, a bushel of tomatoes, and found one (just one) ripe melon that had actually split open.

Michelle is camera shy, so this is the only close up photo I got of her. <grin>

I will try to get some blog posts in on specific things that got picked.  As a general accounting of certain things, the Wamneheza Flour corn is what I am laying behind in the top photo.  It is about 10% dried down.  I also picked Mandan White flour corn but only a dozen ears.  It is running about 10 days behind the Wamneheza.  There are a few experimental tomatoes at the Minnetonka garden I picked, and more beans have been drying down as well.  Weeds are very out of control, but with my gimp body it is just how it is and I will have to live with that fact.  I cannot bend over to tie my shoes, much less bend over to pick anything close to the ground or pull weeds.


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