Ground Hog Day & First Spring Robins?

Have been up since 4 am, and this morning I got to hear something I have not heard since last fall:  two robins greeting the morning from the front maple tree.

This is messed up.  The extended forecast (10 days out) shows all daytime temps exceeding 32 degrees.  This should be the coldest depths of winter.  Apparently this year we had no winter.   All we were graced with was a short cold snap.

It has me wondering if I should, just as an experiment, get a few of my cold weather tomato plants started.  Just in case.  Last year it was late May before I could really get a lot of tomatoes in the ground.  The year previous it was March 28th that I got my first ones out (which was a record for me to set out plants without losing them to a freeze) and maybe this year will be a new record setting growing season.

We will see.

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